Teaching Your First Course in English

Course Type: Workshop - Part of the Welcome Week
Target Group: Teaching Staff
As English is used as a lingua franca in the classroom, new teachers have to handle a setting with strikingly different language skills. This seminar provides participants the opportunity to prepare for their first time teaching in English. Constructive feedback from the trainer and group members give the speaker a healthy amount of input to improve their teaching and develop confidence. Throughout the one and a half day workshop, participants will be guided through interactive exercises to improve language and non-verbal communication skills. They will receive tips and practice creating a relaxed atmosphere so that their students (often also not native speakers) feel free to participate. Participants will also learn how to moderate in difficult situations, e.g. if a person who is a native speaker dominates the course.
Counting towards the Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Didactics in Higher Education: subject area I, IV (12 AE) and towards the Certificate “Leadership, Management, Transfer of Knowledge”: Module IV (12 AE).
Anmeldung über das Hochschuldidaktikzentrum. Achtung: Die exklusiven Workshops in Konstanz werden Ihnen nur angezeigt wenn Sie sich mit Ihrem HDZ-Account angemeldet haben.