From PhD to Innovator

Course Type: Online-Workshop
Target Group: Doctoral researchers, Postdoctoral researchers
In cooperation with the Start-up Centre of the University of Konstanz (Kilometer1)
In this YES-workshop (Young Entrepreneurs in Science), you will learn methods from the fields of design thinking, storytelling and innovation management and apply them to develop start-up ideas from your PhD project, your other specialist expertise or from your everyday observations.
The workshop is an invitation to experiment and does not require that you already have a start-up idea. It offers a platform to develop innovative ideas and concepts in a protected setting with experienced innovation coaches and an interdisciplinary group of participants, to present those ideas and to receive valuable feedback. In addition, the workshop supports you in planning your next steps, especially with regard to the question of who you want to bring into the team so that the right personalities with the relevant competences help the common cause to succeed.
The YES-workshop "From PhD to Innovator" takes place in cooperation with the University of Konstanz's start-up support. It can be credited towards the ASD certificate "Leadership, Management, Transfer of Knowledge" in modules III or IV (16 units). If you have any questions about the certificate "Leadership, Management, Transfer of Knowledge", please contact Melanie Moosbuchner (
Further information:
Registration at Young Entrepreneurs in Science:
Counting towards the "Leadership, Management, Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer Certificate": Module III or IV (16 AE).

PD Dr. Sabine Hoidn

Sabine Hoidn is a lecturer and Head of the Student-Centered Learning Lab at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Her research focuses on higher education teaching, learning and curriculum as well as management education. In particular, she consults and conducts research in the field of student-centered learning and teaching in higher and management education with her latest co-edited handbook titled The Routledge International Handbook of Student-Centered Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2020). She teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in management and education and conducts professional development lectures and workshops for faculty worldwide. She received a PhD in business education from the University of St. Gallen, and the venia legendi in educational science, especially higher education (PD) from the University of Zurich.