Project Management for Postdoctoral Researchers

Course Type: Online-Workshop
Target Group: Postdoctoral researchers
Scientific projects often suffer from an insufficient planning, unclear goal definitions and consequently a bad time management. This leads to project delays, inefficient use of resources and often to frustration on the side of the scientists working on the bench.
This workshop is designed to improve this situation by supporting postdoctoral researchers in the acquisition of the necessary skills for an effective management of their research project. It introduces tools from classical and agile project management, which are adapted to the need of exploratory scientific projects. In extensive hands-on exercises, participants will define goals and milestones for their individual project, create project definitions and work structures and will practice to organize their working time by setting priorities, planning their workloads, delegating tasks and improving communication in their teams.
Counting towards the "Leadership, Management, Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer Certificate": Module II (16 AE).